This Modern Ford Capri Finally Becomes A True Muscle Car

Shirley Beal

When speaking about European muscle autos, the default is normally a Mercedes-Benz AMG or possibly even an Aston Martin. Absolutely, these cars very easily fulfill the requirements to be regarded as muscle cars: they have significant V8s (or even larger), rear-wheel-travel, a relatively light-weight two-doorway human body, and the capacity […]

5 Badass AMC Muscle Cars That Deserve More Respect

Shirley Beal

Today, only a fraction of the manufacturers who blessed us with some of the finest muscle cars (or supercars, as they were known back then) are still around. Out of those, only Ford, Chevy, and Dodge are still building modern iterations. Pontiac, the brand credited with starting the phenomenon, closed […]

10 AMCs That Defined The Muscle Car Era

Shirley Beal

AMC is one of the most forgotten brands in automotive history, which is an absolute shame. AMC has produced some legendary muscle cars and powerful trucks throughout the 1960s and 1970s, 10 of which absolutely defined the muscle car era. Fans of classic cars and hot rodders looking for their […]